Jonga icredit score yakho kwaye ufumane iingcebiso malunga nendlela yokuyiphucula.
Jonga imeko yakho yamatyala
Lawula ikamva lakho lezemali ngokufumanisa ukuba ithini icredit score yakho namhlanje.
Ukuhlolwa kwamatyala kwasimahla
Icredit score engcono ithetha izivumelwano ezingcono kwiimali mboleko zakho kunye namakhadi etyala. Sinikezela ngeengcebiso zezezimali zengcali ukukunceda uphucule amanqaku akho etyala.
Imibuzo ebuzwa qho
Ngaba ufuna ukwazi ngakumbi? Jonga kwimibuzo yethu ebuzwa rhoqo.
Yintoni icredit score?
Ngaba icredit score yakho iba mandundu xa ungavunyelwa ukuba uboleke imali?
Yes, every time you are declined for a loan, your credit score is negatively impacted.
Ndingayifumana phi icredit score?
You can get your credit score by clicking on the “GET CREDIT SCORE” button above. We have partnered with interactive credit score platform Kudough, which helps consumers maintain a healthy credit score by providing:
- Constant knowledge of exactly what your credit status is, at any given point.
- Expert guidance on how to improve your credit status and change your financial future.
- Special offers and benefits on a wide range of financial services.
Ngaba uyayazi icredit score yakho?
Ngenisa icredit score yakho ngezantsi ukuze ubone ukuba uqhuba kakuhle kangakanani.
Bathini abathengi bethu
Sincede amawaka abantu, funda uphononongo lwabathengi bethu ngezantsi.